
Life 2.0 starts here.

This is a blog for those of us who feel overwhelmed by life, who have lost their mojo and who feel that every day is like climbing a glass wall.

I know. I’ve been there.

My name’s Pete Reece and I started blogging in 2014 at the encouragement of a friend who thought my experience of some of life’s challenges, my professional background and the knowledge I had built up through my research could help other people negotiate their own tough times.

Personal Development

The ideas for this blog go back to 2004 when I first started to experience symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or M.E.

I’d read a number of personal development books and had been heavily influenced by the first chapter of Stephen Covey’s book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People1.

It introduced me to the concepts of personal responsibility, of focussing on the things within our control, that we have a choice in how we respond to all events and how we can be more proactive.

These ideas served me well during the many long years of my illness and I decided to research how other people negotiate their own adversity. I realised there was a wealth of examples, ancient and modern, of how people in trying circumstances have chosen amazing responses to their challenges. Not only that, but so much cognitive behavioural science and behavioural and positive psychology demonstrate evidence for how we can thrive in troubled times.


I decided to make it my mission to share this information and committed to firstly becoming a Personal Performance Coach – graduating from The Coaching Academy with a distinction in 2011 – which has given me the skills to help people directly.

I then used what I’d learned on myself to help me through another long spell of illness from 2012 to 2017. I’ve since returned to full health and will share tips for self-care, how to get back on an even keel and how you can grow as a person, because of, not despite, your tough times.

Why You Should Keep Reading

If you believe, as I do, that you can make an ally of adversity and a friend of misfortune, then this blog will show you how. It will have tips, techniques and inspiration to show you the light at the end of the tunnel. Wherever you are on your personal journey, I sincerely hope that you will find what you need on this blog or through my personal coaching services. The best place to start is with my video here.

Keep in touch with all my latest articles via a Wacky Dai Email subscription or follow me on Twitter or Facebook using the buttons at the top of the page.

Enjoy reading and stay strong.


  1. Featured in “What Is Your Circle Of Influence And Why You Should Pay Attention To It”\.