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Stuck In A Rut? Why Setting Goals Will Get You Moving Again

I have to confess, I’ve very often been disappointed by my attempts at formal goal-setting. I’ve set goals which have been too ambitious, goals which conflicted with each other and goals which ultimately, I just didn’t really want. I’ve felt annoyed by SMART goals and the rather empty suggestions of some motivational speakers. Too often and for too many people, messages…

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Life Is Unfair – But Here’s How To Stack The Odds In Your Favour

“I knew I had to snap out of it, to stop feeling sorry for myself. It was only then that I felt I could meet this challenge.” Mike was reflecting on his journey to recovery after living with M.E./Chronic Fatigue. He was speaking to me and many others like me back in 2006, in his role as an “expert patient”….

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What Is Resilience?

Soft and squishy or armour plated? What’s the best way to be resilient? In this article I want to show you how different definitions of resilience are creating confusion and preventing you from setting off on a journey of growth and fulfilment. First off, what do we mean by the word resilience? Meanings A quick survey of friends and clients…
